
Welcome to my website!

I am Francesco d’Amore, a postdoctoral researcher at Bocconi University (Italy), working in professor Luca Trevisan’s team. Previously, I was working in professor Jukka Suomela’s team at Aalto University (Finland). I got my Ph.D. at Université Côte D’Azur (France) in the COATI joint project-team between Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée and the I3S Laboratory, under the supervision of Emanuele Natale and Nicolas Nisse (HDR).

Contact information

Parc national du Mercantour

  Francesco d’Amore
  Postdoctoral researcher

  Department of Computing Sciences, office 2-c2-06
  Bocconi University, Milan, Italy   On the map

  Email: francesco.damore2(at)unibocconi.it

Research interests

My main research area is distributed computing, with a focus on randomized distributed algorithm. I am interested in models of computing either with very few restrictions on the computational power and communication bandwidth (e.g., the LOCAL model) or with strong restrictions (e.g., the GOSSIP model).

In the past, I’ve studied protocols for the consensus problems and algorithms for collaborative search of targets in the space. More recently, I’m investigating whether quantum communication can (or cannot) bring advantage to the LOCAL model.

As a side research interest, I work in theoretical machine learning and related computational problems. For example, I am studying the Random Subset Sum problem and how it can be used to show that, in many cases, pruning (non-trained) random neural networks is competitive with training.

From time to time, I enjoy discussing and running statistical tests for projects related to medicine or biology.